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helicopter ground handling wheels


Discover the only aeronautical parts industry which serves the largest helicopter manufacturers with metal parts and composite material, in addition to manufacturing GSE - Ground Support Equipment for final helicopter operators of Bell, Leonardo, Robinson and Airbus helicopters around the world.


helicopter parts industry

Airbus booth
Airbus booth
Airbus booth

Airbus counts on the Aeromob partnership at the most important events in the international aeronautical sector in 2023

We sell our products through the world's most important distributors, including helicopter manufacturers such as Airbus Helicopters and Agusta/Leonardo. But with a special difference for the end customer and the distributors:

For the end customer, when technical support or warranty is needed, getting a response from a resale team may take longer than talking directly to the equipment manufacturer. Furthermore, information can be passed on incompletely, which can reduce the quality of communication, the speed of responses and customer satisfaction.

That's why we offer a technical support team capable of answering any questions or technical needs directly from the end customer, including a quick communication channel through QRCODE recorded on Aeromob Equipment that allows equipment traceability and instant communication between the operator and the team responsible for that product line.

This way, the reseller's attention and energy can be focused on learning about new needs and products that the customer needs. And the customer can have the fastest, most complete and accurate technical support, spending the least amount of energy on any necessary assistance.



Your passengers with accessibility and safety

Helicopter Ground Handling Wheels


Military reliability
for your Ground Handling Wheels



Towing with universal fork that fits ALL fixed skid helicopter models

Helicopter carbon fiber ladder
Ground Handling Wheels for Bell 407 helicopter
Robinson helicopter towbar
Helicopter Ground Handling Wheels

The entire line of Aeromob equipment is built based on the conceptsZero maintenance, level A reliability and ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance. These concepts have meant that customers such as armed forces, air taxis, police forces, FBOs and private operators from several countries have opted for Aeromob equipment for their operations. You can follow our social networks to follow closely the equipment in real use with different operators around the world.

For Aeromob, the focus of all products developed, manufactured and patented by us is the satisfaction of the end operator. We believe that with this and with resellers identifying the right equipment for each operator's needs, in addition to accurate and fast technical support, the customer can count on the best products and the highest level of assistance, always opting for Aeromob equipment.

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